Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Disabling SMS and re-opening m.jaiku.com
Friday, March 13, 2009
JaikuEngine is now open source!

So, developers, start your JaikuEngines. As Google will no longer be actively developing jaiku.com, the future of Jaiku is in your hands. Point your browser to the project and join the jaikuengine-discuss group to learn more and get started.
As a 20% project, Mika has open sourced the Jaiku Mobile client (dual-licensed MIT and GPLv2). Users of the client may have noted already that the current build will no longer connect to the server now that Jaiku is hosted on App Engine. We'll let you know when the new build is ready for download!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Jaiku is becoming JaikuEngine
International SMS also had scaling issues, but for financial rather than technical reasons. One potential solution is to use IM on capable mobile devices such as the G1. Developers can also build clients that take advantage of presence and other features of the new JaikuEngine API.
We'll be releasing the open source JaikuEngine code and sharing more information in the coming days. Stay tuned!
Jaiku is now served from App Engine
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Upcoming service break
Thanks for your patience!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Scheduled Downtime, 8:30am PST
Thursday, January 15, 2009
We’re going open source
Today on the Google Code blog, we announced some upcoming changes to Jaiku and other services. Here’s the part about Jaiku:
“As we mentioned last April, we are in the process of porting Jaiku over to Google App Engine. After the migration is complete, we will release the new open source Jaiku Engine project on Google Code under the Apache License. While Google will no longer actively develop the Jaiku codebase, the service itself will live on thanks to a dedicated and passionate volunteer team of Googlers.
With the open source Jaiku Engine project, organizations, groups and individuals will be able to roll-their-own microblogging services and deploy them on Google App Engine. The new Jaiku Engine will include support for OAuth, and we’re excited about developers using this proven code as a starting point in creating a freely available and federated, open source microblogging platform.“